Lux Dei Christian Rants (Archive)

Saturday, October 25, 2003

Peter Lee Discovers the Mushy Middle Leaves You Broke

Peter Lee is about as hard to figure out as Bob Dylan. If Louie Crew's Bishop statistics pages are to be trusted, Lee has tended to be a friend to the conservative cause. He has tended to side with conservatives on issues of sexuality. However, at General Convention 2003 Lee voted to confirm Robinson as bishop, shocking many of the sheep of his flock. Now many are pretty mad, and withholding funds. One only needs to look at the AAC page to see that Virginia has quite a large number of parishes that might realign.

Lee is finding that the confusing, muddled "mushy middle" doesn't always cut it. Lee probably views himself as a man of compromise...indeed he is probably right, as both sides would agree, taking the meaning of compromise slightly differently. The mushy middle works when times are good, and you get all kinds of nice accolades. However, in hard and difficult times, the mushy middle will just leave you irrelevant and broke. And in many ways being in the mushy middle is a modern value that keeps bishops from being true pastoral leaders...hmm...had we only bought Lee some chicken dinners prior to GC2003, we could have reached him before it was too late...Better increase my donations to the AAC's chicken dinner fund.