Lux Dei Christian Rants (Archive)

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

After Years in Hiding Anglicanism is Back In North America!

From Kendall Harmon:

The Network has an agreed upon name: Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes. It is open to all missions and all individuals. Thus it has three levels whereby one can join: Diocese, parish, or individual.

The Network has a Theological Charter, the url for which is posted below (

The Network has the full support, already, of some sixteen Anglican primates. The full statement of these primates, yet to be released because signatures are being sought carefully, contains this remarkable section:

"We re-affirm our solidarity with faithful Bishops, clergy and church members in North America who remain committed the historic faith and order of the church and have rejected unbiblical innovation. We offer our support and the full weight of our ministries and offices to those who are gathering in a "Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes" now being organized in North America."

Bishop Jecko is right, this is still very much a work in progress. But we have a name, a theological charter, and the backing of the leadership of those Provinces whose membership comprises the majority of worldwide Anglicanism.

You don't have to look any further for the significance of the network than to the Uganda story from NPR an excerpt of which is posted below. A delegation from Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold to the enthronement of the next Archbishop of Uganda is no way welcome, but a representative of the Network is most welcome.

This is a great day


Yes it is indeed a great day...North America will now have an Anglican option not tied to the flakey Episcopal Church. This is a great day for Christians and a dark day for schism, apostasy, and heresy.